The Eclipse

My Profound Reaction to the Eclipse

DId you have totality? My husband and I went a few miles north to be with my cousin and her husband who is an amateur astronomer and to have 100% eclipse. My sister and her partner were with us, and we had our five year old granddaughter as well.

As the sun was getting covered up, it got cooler. The light looked otherworldly and colors looked odd, but as the sun became totally covered and looked black and the light was just peeking around the edges, I had the most profound reaction I think I’ve ever had to anything in my life. I had this overwhelming feeling in my body/trunk/chest and I just started crying. I walked away from everyone and  as I just stared at the sun/moon, I sobbed but it wasn’t a sad sob. It was this powerful feeling that was so overwhelming, I think I had to cry to release it. As I stared at the most amazing thing I have ever seen, I continued to cry from my heart. Deep crying that I could not stop. I had that emotional feeling for about 1/2 hour afterwards. I was so moved, I didn’t go to an after-eclipse party because I had to process it. I had no idea what it was about.

I journeyed on it this morning, asked all of my Upper World and Lower World Spirits to join me in the UW. I asked them what this was about and I was told that I have been neglecting my shamanism. I have never called myself a shaman. I don’t feel I’ve earned it, although I see much newer people call themselves a shaman and do good shamanic work. I was told by my Spirits that I need to embrace this. The funny thing is that shamans aren’t supposed to call themselves shamans. Others call them that, but to be a shaman, you have to do the work and be willing to do it in service to others. I think I’ve been misunderstanding this. The Universe gave me a huge kick in the ass to show me my connection to the earth and to ignore it would be wrong.

So…not sure where to go from here. I think this involves offering services again and finding a community. Will keep you posted and would love to hear your eclipse stories!